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A brand’s reputation is important, but the customer experience is what keeps customers coming back for more. 

What is brand experience?

Brand experience is the sum of all interactions and impressions that a customer has with a brand. This includes all physical, digital, and emotional interactions that take place throughout the customer journey, from first awareness of the brand to post-purchase evaluation. The brand experience can impact a customer’s perception of the brand and influence their likelihood to make future purchases or recommend the brand to others. A positive brand experience can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy, while a negative brand experience can damage the brand’s reputation and discourage future business.

How does brand experience impact business success?

  • A survey by NewVoiceMedia found that poor customer service is the leading cause of brand switching, with 78% of consumers saying they have switched to a competitor due to a poor customer experience. Same study found that poor customer experience can cost businesses more than $75 billion per year. 
  • A study by the Temkin Group found that companies with high customer experience scores had a 70% higher stock price than those with low scores. 
  • According to a study by Customer Thermometer, 69% of consumers say that they have stopped doing business with a company due to a poor customer experience.
  • In another study by Forbes, 86% of consumers say that they are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.
  • Research by PwC found that brands that deliver a consistently positive customer experience see a 50% increase in customer loyalty and a 20% increase in sales.

5 Tips to create a memorable brand experience

Prioritize customer service

Customer service should be a top priority for any business. This includes responding to customer inquiries in a timely manner, addressing complaints and concerns, and going above and beyond to help customers. Make sure your customer service team is well-trained and empowered to handle any situation.

Create a seamless customer journey

The customer journey starts from the moment a customer becomes aware of your brand and continues through the purchase process and beyond. To create a positive brand experience, it’s important to make the journey as seamless as possible. This includes having a user-friendly website, clear and concise product information, and an efficient checkout process.

Deliver on your brand promise

Your brand promise is the promise you make to your customers about what they can expect from your brand. It’s important to deliver on this promise consistently to create a positive brand experience. If you promise high-quality products, make sure you deliver. If you promise exceptional customer service, make sure you follow through.

Foster a sense of community

Creating a sense of community around your brand can help build loyalty and create a positive brand experience. This can be done through social media, customer forums, or in-person events. Encourage customers to share their experiences and feedback, and create a sense of belonging for your brand.

Personalize the experience

Personalization is key to creating a positive brand experience. This can be as simple as using a customer’s name in communication or providing personalized recommendations based on their past purchases. Personalization shows that you value your customers and are willing to go the extra mile to meet their needs.

Notable brand experience examples

There are many notable brand experiences that have been created by companies to enhance the customer experience and improve brand perception. Some examples include:

  1. Apple’s retail stores: Apple has created a highly immersive and interactive retail experience for its customers. The stores are designed to be welcoming and inviting, and feature interactive displays and demonstrations of Apple products.
  2. Nike’s fitness classes: Nike has created a number of fitness classes, such as Nike Training Club and Nike Run Club, that provide a positive brand experience for customers. These classes are designed to be fun and motivating, and help to create a sense of community among participants.
  3. Starbucks’ mobile app: Starbucks has created a mobile app that allows customers to order and pay for their coffee and food items in advance, as well as earn rewards and customize their orders. The app provides a convenient and personalized brand experience for customers.
  4. Disney’s theme parks: Disney’s theme parks are known for their immersive and interactive experiences that create a sense of magic for visitors. From the rides and attractions to the themed food and merchandise, every aspect of the Disney brand experience is carefully crafted to delight and engage customers.
  5. Amazon’s customer service: Amazon is known for its exceptional customer service, which includes fast and reliable shipping, easy returns, and a variety of support options. This focus on customer satisfaction helps to create a positive brand experience for Amazon customers.

Brand experience plays a crucial role in how customers perceive and interact with your brand. It goes beyond just the products or services a brand offers and encompasses the entire customer journey from start to finish. By prioritizing customer experience and creating a positive and memorable brand experience, businesses can differentiate themselves from the competition and establish strong customer loyalty. As the saying goes, “Experience is everything.” Investing in creating a strong brand experience can pay off in increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and brand perception.